no regrets...

Monday, April 17, 2006

the past...

the other day, I saw Ryan.
this is the guy I liked before I fell for him.
he looked great, and seemed more mature, though deep down, he was still the same guy I liked back then. even though its been a while since I last saw him, I could still feel our chemistry. it was obvious that we liked each other and that we had a connection, but our age gap seemed bigger then and we let our friends get in the way, and then, we both fell for other people.
it kind of makes you wonder, what if?
I mean, when he smiled at me, I had to smile back.
he hugged me three times before he finally left.
the awkwardness at first quickly melted away and it was like we had stayed close.
he gives me a different type of feeling.
I don't necessarily wish that things were different, I'm content with my current interests...
I am just thinking... there is a lot to think about in life...


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